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Do Your Best (until you know better)


She has traveled literally everywhere! Alisa has been to Italy, Denmark, Norway, Rome, Australia, and Italy. She has seen the world. Her biggest journey, the one she is still on today and pays it forward by helping others to take the steps along the way as well, is the one she started right here at home. The fitminded

journey of reclaiming her health and living

purposefully and passionately. The steps that she took to work on herself lead her to the opportunity of signing on as a Coach with Team Beachbody. I had the opportunity to talk with Alisa about her journey and get some of her best advice and back story.

Q:  How long have you been on your fitminded journey?

A:  4-5 years

Q:  Why did you start down this path?

A:  I was really overweight and tired of feeling bad about how I looked and felt all the time.

Q: Who do you turn to for support?

A:  My coach, Katelyn Lesk, my fellow Beachbody family, and several of my closest friends.

Q:  What programs have you completed?

A: Oh my, Shakeology always. Beachbody programs I have completed: Power 90, Turbofire, P90X, T25, Bodybeast, 21 day fix, 22 minute hard corps, The Ultimate Reset. Programs I have also dabbled in: PiYo, Cize, Insanity, Les Mills Combat.

Q: Are you currently enjoying a program of choice right now?

A: I’m almost done with 22 minute Hard Corps, then I’m going to do another round of The

Q:  What would you tell yourself if you could go back you your “Day 1”?

A:  I would tell myself that though the progress at times may be slower than I’d like, the things I’ve learned about myself and what I’m capable of are worth it. Every day I felt like quitting and where I am now is infinitely better than where I was on day 1.

Q:  Is there anything that would have done differently?

A:  I wouldn’t change anything. I wouldn’t change anything because each thing I tried and succeeded at or failed at taught me something I needed to learn on this journey. If I changed anything I might not be in the amazing place I am now.

Q: Is there a phrase or Mantra that you live by today?

A: My mantra has always been “do your best until you know better. When you know better, do better” (Maya Angelou). I wouldn’t change anything because each thing I tried and succeeded at or failed at taught me something I needed to learn on this journey. If I changed anything I might not be in the amazing place I am now.

Alisa’s advice to those just starting out is this:

“Know when to cut yourself some slack and when to push yourself harder. If you don’t know the difference find yourself an accountability partner who can help you. And definitely get yourself a coach and a challenge group so you are held accountable to someone other than just you”.

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