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Introducing Curves Ahead

Updated: Jan 4, 2020

I am so excited to welcome you to the Curves Ahead Tribe!

As we enter this new year and come together to rise up and out of the last, I’d like to introduce myself and give you a peek into some of the amazing opportunities ahead of us. I am a certified personal trainer, masters level community mental health counselor, certified nutrition mentor, and a Life Integration Coach. My expertise is in mind, body & life integration. My passion is in teaching women like us, who WANT the best life possible but struggle with the juggle, how to HAVE healthy, healed, and happy. We can have it all.

I’ve invested the last 10 years into learning how to systematically integrate our struggle points so we can feel balanced, strong, healthy, and healed every day.

My desire, as we move forward into the new year, with the launch of the new Curves Ahead monthly program is to connect you with the knowledge and habits you need to completely break up with the cycle of self-sabotage. As someone who has personally been on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment, I experienced firsthand how difficult it is to step into our vulnerabilities and completely unpack our bags to more effectively live life exactly where we are, as who we are each day. We transition, evolve, and grow every day and giving voice to it all is something I’m passionate about. Being a mom to seven kids over the last 22 years has given me a revolving perspective changes every year and prompted me to speak, write, and share more about how to live, lead, and love this life.

The moment I decided to live more of my own life and to discover who this beautiful, driven, messy, emotional, raw, strong minded, passionate woman truly was inside was also the moment I learned how imperative it was to bridge the gap and lend ground breaking support to those on a similar journey of physical and emotional transformation and growth. Throughout my career, I've written articles on how to effectively live and lead a healed life on healthier terms, taught my 6 week course on FitMinded Living at Hagerstown Community College, spoken on health, wellness, and entrepreneur panels, shared my own story of surviving domestic violence, losing 150 pounds, and supported 1000’s of women and men on the adventures that come with the choice to intentionally navigate the curves ahead of us.

Inside the Curves Ahead Membership program I teach our members the Mind-Body-Life Blueprint” with deep dives into the 5 pillars that bridge the gap and support the emotional aspects of our physical transformations in healthy living.

Careful and consistent guidance is provided each month for active growth along all the curves ahead. With the help of my business partner, Strategist and Organizer Melissa DiMercurio, we connect you with the monthly tool sets and the step by step breakdown of how to actively and effectively implement each to best help our members accomplish their goals.

I am so excited to begin 2020 with each of you! No matter your age, stage, or location in this beautiful world we are here to help you see just how well you fit in and belong. It is our mission to provide amazing content, giving our members access to knowledgeable experts, creating community and building a safe space. We can come together to empower each other to lead healthier and happier lives - and ultimately change the world.

Learn more here.

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